Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Create an Economic CNG Fueling Infrastructure 

by Adding Home Fueling and Small Stations

•High capacity fast-fill private/public stations ($200K and up)
•Mini fast-fill public stations ($80K to $200K) *
•Light to medium capacity private stations ($10K to $200K) *
􀂊Combination time-fill/fast-fill
•Residential ($999) *

FuelMaker HRA

VRA \HRA Evolution

Fuel Maker VRA

Fuel Maker HRA

  • What is Phill?
     is a natural gas Home Refueling Appliance (HRA) designed for use with consumer vehicles in residential environments.
  • How long does Phill take to fill a vehicle?
    On average it will take approximately 4 hours to replenish the fuel consumed in 80 km / 50 miles of driving based on a vehicle consumption rate of 30 mpg.  The ideal refueling scenario is to plug it in overnight.  With the automatic shut-off feature, this is convenient, safe and most efficient.
  • How much electricity does Phill use?
    At 800 watts, Phill uses less electricity than most small kitchen appliances.
  • How much does Phill weigh?
    Phill weighs approximately 95 lbs.
  • Is Phill designed to be installed indoors or outdoors?
    Phill is designed to be installed either in a garage, a carport, or outdoors.
  • Can Phill be used with well gas?
    No. Phill is designed and certified for use with pipeline quality natural gas only.
  • What are the installation requirements?
    Phill needs to be securely fastened to a surface that can support at least 45 kg. / 100 lbs.  Phill is connected to a 240 volt electrical circuit and connects to residential natural gas supply lines.  If installed inside a garage, the unit must be vented outdoors.  In all cases installation must comply with applicable building codes and regulations.
  • How long will Phill run?
    Phill is designed to run for approximately 6000 hours of use at which time it can be remanufactured. This can be done a maximum of 3 times, extending its life to 24,000 hours of operation.
  • Where can I buy Phill?As of March 2012, the manufacturer is undergoing some changes in how the distributorships work.  We hope to have an update very soon for you.
  • How much is the Phill?
    The price can vary from dealer to dealer and occasionally the manufacturer increases the price.  A good estimate is around $4500.00.

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